Chapter 6: Association between quantitative variables

STAT 1010 - Fall 2022

Learning outcomes

By the end of this lesson you should:

  • Perform a visual association test

  • Know how to read a scatterplot to describe associations between quantitative variables

  • Know how to quantify associations in quantitative variables

  • Use a line to describe associations in linear relationships

  • Understand spurious correlations and lurking variables


  • \(\chi^2\) tests are used for associations in categorical data
  • What is used to find associations in numeric data?


  • variable on the \(y\) axis
    • dependent
    • response
    • outcome
  • variable on the \(x\) axis
    • independent
    • explanatory
    • predictor

Price vs carat

Visual association test

diamonds %>% # filtered data
  slice_sample(n = nrow(.)) %>% # random sample rows
  pull(carat) %>% # take out the variable carat
  bind_cols(., diamonds$price) %>% # price in the same order and bound to carat in different order
  ggplot() + # into ggplot
  geom_point(aes(y = ...2, x = ...1)) + # using the new names
  labs(title = "Simulated association test", 
       x = "Weight of diamond in carat", 
       y = "Price of diamonds in US$")

Describing a scatter plot

  • Trend or direction
    • positive
    • negative
  • Curvature
    • linear
    • nonlinear
      • exponential
      • quadratic
  • Variation
    • homoscedasticity (similar variance)
    • heteroscedasticity (different variance)
  • Outliers
    • any weird points (explore these)
  • Groupings

Describe these plots

Measuring association

Measuring association


Covariance math

\(cov(x, y) = \frac{(x_1 - \bar{x})(y_1 - \bar{y}) + (x_2 - \bar{x})(y_2 - \bar{y}) + \ldots + (x_n - \bar{x})(y_n - \bar{y})}{n-1}\)

Correlation math

\[corr(x, y) = \frac{cov(x, y)}{s_x \cdot s_y}\]

Correlation characteristics

  1. Referred to as \(r\)
  2. Strength of linear association
  3. \(r\) is always between \(-1\) and \(+1\), \(-1 \leq r \leq 1\).
  4. \(r\) does not have units

Computing in R

# covariance of price and carat
cov(diamonds$price, diamonds$carat)
[1] 1742.765
# correlation of price and carat
cor(diamonds$price, diamonds$carat)
[1] 0.9215913
# coding for the pairs plots
# library(GGally)
# diamonds %>% # dataset
#  select_if(is.numeric) %>% # numeric variables
#  filter(y < 20, # y less than 20
#         z < 20, # z less than 20
#         table < 90) %>% # table less than 90
#  ggpairs(.) # make the plot

Line of association

\[ y = mx + b \]

  • \(m\) is gradient \(b\) is the \(y\) intercept

Gradient and slope

\[ m = \frac{r \cdot s_y}{s_x} \] \[ b = \bar{y} - m \bar{x} \]

Fitting by hand

  • \(r = 0.9215913\)

  • \(s_{price} = 3989.44\)

  • \(s_{carat} = 0.4740112\)

  • \(m = \frac{r \cdot s_{price}}{s_{carat}}\)

  • \[\begin{aligned} m &= \frac{r \cdot s_{price}}{s_{carat}} \\ &= \frac{0.9215913 \cdot 3989.44}{0.4740112} \\ &= 7756.426 \end{aligned}\]

Fitting by hand

  • \(b = \overline{price} - m \cdot \overline{carat}\)

  • \(\overline{price} = 3932.8\)

  • \(\overline{carat} = 0.7979397\)

  • \(m = 7756.426\)

  • \[\begin{aligned} b &= \overline{price} - m \cdot \overline{carat} \\ &= 3932.8 - 7756.426 \cdot 0.7979397\\ &= -2256.36 \end{aligned}\]

  • Our model is: \(\widehat{\text{price}} = -2256.36 + 7756.426 \cdot \text{carat}\)

Prediction by hand

for carat values \(2.5\)

  • \(\widehat{\text{price}} = -2256.36 + 7756.426 \cdot \text{carat}\)

  • \[\begin{aligned} \widehat{\text{price}} &= -2256.36 + 7756.426 \cdot \text{carat} \\ &= -2256.36 + 7756.426 \cdot 2.5 \\ &= \$17135 \end{aligned}\]

Fit & predict in R

# library tidymodels

## Assign the least
## squares line
least_squares_fit <- 
  linear_reg() %>% 
  set_engine("lm") %>% 
  fit(price ~ carat, data = diamonds) 
## NOTE: outcome first, predictor second

## Find the prediction
predict(least_squares_fit, tibble(carat = c(1, 2, 2.5, 4)))
# A tibble: 4 × 1
1  5500.
2 13256.
3 17135.
4 28769.


  • ALWAYS draw plots first
  • numeric variables
  • Linear relationship
  • Check for outliers
  • Lurking variables

Spurious correlations

  • 100% of people who eat ketchup die
  • amount of sunscreen used and probability of getting skin cancer
  • birth order and probability of down syndrome
  • countries with more smokers also have higher life expectancy
  • More shark attacks are associated with higher levels of ice cream sales.
  • The more volunteers at a natural disaster, the more destruction

More spurious correlations

  • These variables are called lurking variables or confounders.

  • Lurking variables are not considered in the statistical analysis

  • Confounders are considered

  • There are both known and unknown confounders, uknown confounders are lurking variables.

Click here for more spurious correlations

Your turn

Click here or the qr code below